Saturday, June 7, 2014

Harder Than I Thought...

Who would have thought creating a blog from scratch would be this difficult!! I sure didn't! Between choosing a design, selecting a layout, attempting to insert codes for my TpT widget, then deciding I didn't like the blog and changing things I'm seeing cross eyed!

However, I will eventually get the hang of this blogging thing because there are so many amazing things that occur in my classroom and fabulous ideas other teachers have that I want to share. I want to share my 8 years of experience with new and veteran teachers, giving whatever advice, encouragement, and wisdom that I can!

In addition, I want an avenue in which I can showcase the ways in which I am using the TpT resources that I create in my own classroom, hoping that it will inspire other teachers to possibly purchase my resource, but if not at least get some ideas of how they can incorporate some of my ideas into their own classroom!

Thank you for taking a moment to stop by. It's not much yet but give it a few weeks of posting over the summer as well as into the next school year and it will be!
